Suriya’s film Kanguva has made headlines by entering the 2025 Oscars race, despite its lukewarm reception at the box office. The film, directed by Siruthai Siva, premiered on Amazon Prime Video after a theatrical run that ended with disappointing earnings of around ₹96 crore against a hefty production budget of ₹350 crore. Critics noted issues like an overwhelming soundtrack and limited screen time for the ensemble cast, which included Bobby Deol and Disha Patani.
Kanguva’s Oscar Journey: What It Means
The film’s inclusion in the Oscars race was shared by film industry tracker Manobala Vijayabalan on X (formerly Twitter). This announcement sparked a mix of excitement and disbelief among fans and social media users. Kanguva’s recognition came at a time when other Indian films, like Kiran Rao’s Laapataa Ladies, failed to make a significant impact, especially in the Best International Feature Film category.
Other Indian Films in the Running
In total, 323 films are eligible for the Oscars this year. Kanguva competes in the Best Picture category alongside other Indian entries, such as Aadujeevitham, Santosh, and Swatantrya Veer Savarkar. Voting for the nominations will take place between January 8 and January 12, 2025. The final nominations will be announced on January 17, 2025. The Oscars ceremony is scheduled for March 2, 2025, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood.
Key Questions Around Kanguva’s Oscar Nomination
- What criteria did Kanguva meet to qualify for the Oscars?
To be eligible for the Best Picture category, films must combine critical acclaim, international appeal, and a strong global presence. Kanguva has gained recognition due to its cultural impact and artistic value, despite the box office disappointment. - How did fans and critics react to Kanguva’s Oscar inclusion?
Fans were excited by the news, while critics questioned its qualifications. Many pointed to the film’s weak box office performance and issues with the soundtrack and casting. Despite this, some argue that the film’s unique style and direction set it apart from the usual contenders. - What other Indian films are competing for Best Picture?
Kanguva faces stiff competition from other films, such as Aadujeevitham, Santosh, and Swatantrya Veer Savarkar. Each of these films offers different themes and artistic merits, vying for international recognition. - How does Kanguva’s box office performance compare to other Oscar contenders?
While Kanguva didn’t perform well commercially, box office earnings are not the sole factor for Oscar nominations. Past Oscar contenders have faced similar challenges but still garnered nominations based on their artistic qualities and cultural relevance. - What are the main themes of the Oscar contenders this year?
The 2025 Oscar contenders cover a wide range of themes, from historical dramas to socially-conscious narratives. The diversity in genres highlights the Academy’s growing interest in global cinema and works that push boundaries and explore universal issues.
Final Thoughts
As the nomination voting period nears, Kanguva’s inclusion in the Oscars race will continue to generate conversation. Fans and critics alike will be watching closely as the nominations are revealed on January 17, 2025, and the ceremony itself takes place on March 2, 2025. The outcome of this race will likely surprise many and highlight the changing dynamics of global cinema recognition.